Learning to create a positive environment for those with dementia can only come from attempting to walk in their shoes. The Virtual Dementia Tour®, created by P.K. Beville, a specialist in geriatrics, is a valuable, easy to follow experiential training designed to instill hope in professional and family caregivers, providing them with a tool to move from sympathy to empathy and better understand the behaviors and needs of their loved ones and patients.
Caring for another human being requires a special kind of person – someone who is empathetic, patient and kind. But how can a person who cares for elders be empathetic when they have never experienced old age in its fragile state? And yet we make decisions for and about our elders as though we know what they are coping with. Lessening the chasm between us and our elders gives us a greater chance of meeting their needs.
Learning to create a positive environment for those with Dementia can only come from attempting to walk in their shoes. During the interactive presentation, participants will be asked to complete a set of simple tasks while senses are artificially “impaired” to simulate:
- Loss of hearing and increased confusion
- Loss of central and peripheral vision
- Loss of sensory nerves and fine motor skills
- Onset of arthritis and neuropathy
The VDT® has been used for new employees, hospitals, law makers, universities, law enforcement, churches, doctor’s offices, individuals working in the public sector, department of transportation, and many more groups. Upon the completion of VDT® experience, caregivers, families and professionals were able to identify with and better
65 Senior Street, Avante, Jewish Family Services, Senior Living Guide and the Alzheimer’s Association have partnered to present the Virtual Dementia Tour ® to communities, professionals and families in the Charlotte area. To schedule a presentation please contact Carol Connors at 704-579-4480 or Carol@65SeniorStreet.com , or check the 65 Senior Street Calendar of Events and register for the next public presentation.